Imagine a community that works collectively on climate issues that matter to them, to promote equitable learning through action. LEVERS is exploring the potential of local learning ecosystems as a tool for community climate engagement, learning and action. Nine partner Learning Venture demonstrator regions in Europe will be working with stakeholders from formal, non-formal and informal education.

Our Mission


LEVERS creates collaborations across education levels, community organizations, research and innovation, industry, and government. 

We aim to foster systemic thinking and critical approaches through these partnerships.

Climate Justice

Our ultimate goal is to develop climate justice programs that provide innovative and interdisciplinary educational approaches.


We strive to offer meaningful learning experiences, empowering individuals to actively contribute to a more just and sustainable society.

Our methodology

We need strategies that engage diverse audiences with different values to tackle environmental issues. 

Urgent, system-wide responses must prioritize social justice and collaboration to address the climate crisis fairly for all.

The Learning Framework
building blocks for learning for sustainability & climate action
The Field Guide
learn from the development of cross-sectoral collaborations for climate action

Some news about us

LEVERS Ireland + Irish Sustainability Schools Network: Exploring Whole-School Approaches to Sustainability & Climate Action

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SOIL YOUR SCARF: Knitting and Participatory Science

Future Food Forests is an initiative in Westport, Co. Mayo that promotes a thriving wellbeing economy, nourished by local, healthy and sustainable food systems. As part of this initiative, a local community group are creating their own food forest.

Animation “The ocean under acid: how does CO2 dissolve shellfish?”

Our partners

Stickydot Srl
Belgium *

CSI Centre for Social Innovation Ltd
Cyprus *

Greece *


Trinity College Dublin (School of Education)
lreland *

Sociedade Afonso Chaves (aka Expolab – Centro Ciência Viva)
Portugal (Azores) *

Centar Za Promociju Nauke (aka Center for Promotion of Science)
Serbia *

Zavod Za Kulturo, Umetnost in lzobrazevanje Kersnikova (aka Kersnikova)
Slovenia *

Switzerland (*) **

Forth Together CIC
UK (*) **

University College London (Climate Action Unit)


European Association for the Education of Adults

Advisory board

Prof. Philip Bell

Professor of the Learning Sciences & Human Development; Director, Institute for Science + Math Education, Founder Climate Teacher Education Collaborative; University of Washington, USA

Area of Expertise

Formal and informal STEM learning and teacher education, climate and environmental justice education, Learning Sciences.

Dr. Kelly Lê

Executive Director, UC-CSU Environmental and Climate Change Literacy Projects (ECCLPs); University of California, Irvine, USA

Area of Expertise

Climate justice education

Ms. Vanessa Mignan

Independent consultant; France/Croatia

Area of Expertise

EDI and gender equity, community science engagement and maker education

Mr. Cormac Russell

Managing Director of Nurture Development (Dublin, Ireland) ; Faculty member, Asset-Based Community Development Institute at DePaul University, Chicago, USA

Area of Expertise

Asset-Based Community Development

Prof. Marcus Collier

Assoc. Professor of Botany; Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Area of Expertise

Citizen science, Nature-Based Solutions

Prof. Sam Mejias

Associate Professor of Social Justice and Community Engagement; School of Design Strategies, Parsons School of Design, The New School, NY, USA

Area of Expertise

Expert in social justice, community engagement and design.

Mr. Manuel Charlet

Maìtre d'atelier, Pre-Vocational Training Centre, Department of Education, State of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

Area of Expertise

Sustainability in schools.

Ms. Claudine Dayer Fournet

Head of Sustainable Development, Department of Education, State of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

Area of Expertise

Sustainability, education and capacity building.

Dr. Siobhan McQuaid

Principal Investigator of GoNaturePositive, School of Business, Trinity College Dublin

Area of Expertise

Advocate for nature-based entrepreneurship

Dr. Marianne Achiam

Associate Professor of Science Communication; Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Area of Expertise

Science communication and public engagement in sustainability