Theme: community energy. Sunset


A national collective for climate optimism

Ireland’s Leaning Venture connects individuals, communities and learner driven climate initiatives with artists, policymakers, researchers and educators in an effort to collectively address issues of climate and environmental justice in Ireland.

In the past 10 years Ireland has seen many national and local policies instigated to address climate change. These policies have been an attempt to drive collective action to create a more climate friendly and sustainable society.  During the same timeframe, we have seen many individuals and communities take on the responsibility themselves to create climate action initiatives to help address the climate crisis.

The Irish Learning Venture works to grow these community initiatives and other multi-stakeholder partnerships which address climate justice issues via educational initiatives by:

  • Supporting individuals and organisations working in the area
  • Providing a space to share learnings, tools, resources and successes
  • Driving a collective and concerted effort to ensure climate and environmental justice is central to the Irish education system

Ireland’s Learning Venture is a collaborative effort, and central point for communications on climate justice work in Ireland. On a national level it connects individuals from multiple disciplines across Ireland to grow community initiatives and partnerships that are working address climate justice issues via educational initiatives.

In 2024 Ireland’s Learning Venture will operate a pilot regional project in one area of Ireland. This will be embedded in the community, and will support participants by connecting existing climate initiatives, and sharing tools, resources and stories for emerging climate action projects. It will support the community to collectively address specific climate justice issue that they themselves have identified as a local problem. This will be supported across various settings – from community groups to schools and adult education.  Following an Open Call process, in late 2023, Ireland’s Learning Venture will support this local climate action project from 2024 and 2026. It is envisioned that following the example of the pilot region, further locations will be supported to take up this approach, leading to a network of regional activation sites across the country. This region will be selected in January 2024.

If you are interested in applying for this Open Call please email for more information on the Open Call process.

Ireland’s Learning Venture encourages participants of all ages to showcase their ideas and solutions for tackling issues of climate justice. Sharing stories of inspiration fosters agency, and supports all community members to make these ideas reality.
Sign up to the Irish LEVERS newsletter to hear all the latest news on climate justice in Ireland and details on new opportunities. Through this newsletter LEVERS signposts funding and collaboration opportunities, and shares news of relevant initiatives from around the island of Ireland, as well as from elsewhere in the world. It provides details on events organized by LEVERS which are an opportunity for individuals to meet in-person twice a year to share learnings and build supportive and collaborative networks.

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