
« The act of learning, lying as it does at the heart of al/ educational activity, changes human beings from abjects at the mercy of events to subjects who create their own history. »

Paul Bélanger: Self-construction and social transformation: Lifelong, lifewide and life-deep learning (2015), p.31

We live in an increasingly fragmented and unequal society. Democracy is in crisis, and mistrust in science is on the rise, even though our world requires increased digital and scientific reasoning for well-informed and sound decision-making. With the climate crisis already on our doorstep, future generations face never-before seen challenges, which are both complicated and complex.

Education needs to provide the scientific knowledge to engender engaged and informed societies, and to equip learners with the holistic competences to support and motivate them to become courageous thinkers and doers, actively shaping their own resilient futures. To achieve this, education must holistically become more flexible and inclusive.

As learning is not bounded by formal institutions, and does not end when compulsory education concludes, it is essential to incorporate lifelong learning in our vision for the education of the future. To tackle the intersectional issues related to science and education, there is an urgent need for connected, system-wide responses that incorporate varied perspectives, are empathetic to the needs of different stakeholders, and centre social justice and care.

Climate justice is selected as the focus for LEVERS, given the intersection of socio-scientific issues and the responsibility it mandates for every European citizen and institution, during this critical moment for the future of life on our planet.


Stickydot Srl

Belgium *

CSI Centre for Social Innovation Ltd

Cyprus *


Greece *

Trinity College Dublin (School of Education)

lreland *

Sociedade Afonso Chaves (aka Expolab – Centro Ciência Viva)

Portugal (Azores) *

Centar Za Promociju Nauke (aka Center for Promotion of Science)

Serbia *

Zavod Za Kulturo, Umetnost in lzobrazevanje Kersnikova (aka Kersnikova)

Slovenia *


Switzerland (*) **

Forth Together CIC

UK (*) **

University College London (Climate Action Unit)


European Association for the Education of Adults

*Associated Partner
**Learning Venture Location

Project information

Project number: 101094825
Start date: 01.03.2023
Duration: 36 months
Call identifier:
Type of Action: CSA

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