Imagine a community that works collectively on climate issues that matter to them, to promote equitable learning through action.
In the face of the climate crisis, we face never-before seen challenges, which are both complicated and complex. Education needs to provide the scientific knowledge to support engaged societies, and to equip learners with the competences to motivate them to become courageous thinkers and doers, actively shaping their own resilient futures.
To do this in a society that is increasingly polarised and distrustful of science requires strategies that engage diverse audiences who may hold a range of different values and viewpoints in relation to environmental issues. We experience an urgent need for connected, system-wide responses that incorporate varied perspectives, are empathetic to the needs of different stakeholders, and centre social justice and care.
LEVERS is exploring the potential of local learning ecosystems as a tool for community climate engagement, learning and action. Nine partner Learning Venture demonstrator regions in Europe will be working with stakeholders from formal, non-formal and informal education. LEVERS creates collaborations across education levels, community organisations, research and innovation, industry, and government with the aim of developing a systemic thinking and critical approaches. The ultimate goal is to create climate justice projects offering meaningful learning experiences.
In other words, how can we work together in spite of our differences to address the climate crisis in a way that is fair to all?
Stickydot Srl
Belgium *
CSI Centre for Social Innovation Ltd
Cyprus *
Greece *
Trinity College Dublin (School of Education)
lreland *
Centar Za Promociju Nauke (aka Center for Promotion of Science)
Serbia *
Zavod Za Kulturo, Umetnost in lzobrazevanje Kersnikova (aka Kersnikova)
Slovenia *
Switzerland (*) **
Forth Together CIC
UK (*) **
University College London (Climate Action Unit)
European Association for the Education of Adults
*Associated Partner
**Learning Venture Location
Project information
Project number: 101094825
Start date: 01.03.2023
Duration: 36 months
Call identifier: HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01-70
Type of Action: CSA