Theme: future of food. A squash growing in the field.

Slovenia, Ljubljana

The future of food

The Slovenian Learning Venture creates a community of young people who, with the help of experts, co-create non-formal educational activities and content about Future of Food.

Industrial agriculture is increasingly damaging the environment, with regenerative processes unable to match the pace of trends and meet the needs of a growing population and increasing demand for quality food. Central to the discussion is the future of food, examined through the lenses of self-sufficiency and sustainability, while drawing inspiration from artistic projects that address similar issues through explorations of the coexistence of humans, technology and living systems.

The Slovenian Learning Venture empowers youths to tackle climate change collaboratively, fostering self-sufficiency in urban environments. Amid climate challenges, community self-sufficiency is crucial to reduce vulnerability and carbon dependencies. Participants learn about urban food sustainability, while recognising that not everyone has the opportunity to grow their own food. The innovation-focused venture equips youth to combat climate change and pass on the knowledge learned from these workshops, fostering a self-sufficient, sustainable future. The Learning Venure will empower young people to successfully address climate change issues.

Slovenian Learning Venture provides knowledge sharing in living systems, technology, society and science. Collaboration with artists, scientists, engineers and drawing inspiration from contemporary research art is a highly inspiring approach to tackle climate change. Participants will explore the food of the future in a makerspace, WetLab and BioLab, with a technical support throughout the project. They will be a part of an innovative community driving self-sufficiency and sustainability.

Slovenia, Ljubljana

Prihodnost hrane

Slovenski Learning Venture ustvarja skupnost mladih, ki s pomočjo strokovnjakov soustvarjajo neformalne izobraževalne dejavnosti in vsebine o prihodnosti hrane.

Industrijsko kmetijstvo vse bolj škoduje okolju, saj regenerativni procesi ne morejo slediti tempu trendov in zadovoljiti potreb naraščajočega prebivalstva ter vse večjega povpraševanja po kakovostni hrani. Osrednja tema razprave je prihodnost hrane, obravnavana skozi prizmo samozadostnosti in trajnosti, pri čemer črpa navdih iz umetniških projektov, ki podobna vprašanja obravnavajo z raziskovanjem sobivanja človeka, tehnologije in živih sistemov.

Slovenski Learning Venture opolnomoča mlade, da se spopadajo s podnebnimi spremembami s sodelovanjem in spodbujanjem samozadostnosti v urbanih okoljih. Ob podnebnih izzivih je samozadostnost skupnosti ključna za zmanjšanje ranljivosti in odvisnosti od ogljika. Udeleženci se učijo o trajnostni prehrani v mestih, pri čemer se zavedajo, da nimajo vsi možnosti za lastno pridelavo hrane. Learning Venture, usmerjen v inovacije, usposablja mlade za boj proti podnebnim spremembam in prenašanje znanja, pridobljenega na teh delavnicah, ter tako spodbuja samozadostno in trajnostno prihodnost. Learning Venture bo mlade opolnomočil za uspešno reševanje vprašanj, povezanih s podnebnimi spremembami.

Slovenski Learning Venture omogoča izmenjavo znanja s področja živih sistemov, tehnologije, družbe in znanosti. Sodelovanje z umetniki, znanstveniki, inženirji in črpanje navdiha iz sodobne raziskovalne umetnosti je zelo navdihujoč pristop k reševanju podnebnih sprememb. Udeleženci bodo hrano prihodnosti raziskovali v makerspaceu, WetLabu in BioLabu, pri čemer jim bo ves čas projekta na voljo tehnična podpora. Postali bodo del inovativne skupnosti, ki spodbuja samozadostnost in trajnost.

Theme: future of food. A squash growing in the field.