Expolab – Centro Ciência Viva
Project Needs
Climate Insigts
Participatory approaches
Systemic approaches
What are you doing differently?
Not yet, but we are really anxious for that step.
Has anything significant happened in this stage?
During the European Researchers Night event we found two potencial new stakeholders for our LV, who work on two Horizon projects related to climate justice and community engagement (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101084628 and https://regions4climate.eu/). We already meet and have decided to build together future jointly actions.
What's inspiring you right now?
A community project about the forest restauration in a green park, that is being develop by a local ONG.
Next steps
Complete the requested LV exercises and finish the our stakeholders list. Start to put in action our ideas and decisions regarding our LV.
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