Theme: community energy. Sunset

Ireland (Westport, County Mayo)

Food Security & Public Land Use in Rural Towns

The Irish Learning Venture in Westport will involve community members and school students in the process of cultivating mini-forests and edible landscapes to address issues of food security, biodiversity, and land use in the region.

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LEVERS Ireland + Irish Sustainability Schools Network: Exploring Whole-School Approaches to Sustainability & Climate Action

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SOIL YOUR SCARF: Knitting and Participatory Science

Future Food Forests is an initiative in Westport, Co. Mayo that promotes a thriving wellbeing economy, nourished by local, healthy and sustainable food systems. As part of this initiative, a local community group are creating their own food forest.

RE-GENERATION: Sustainable Food for the Ages

Future Food Forests is an initiative in Westport, Co. Mayo, Ireland that promotes a thriving wellbeing economy, nourished by local, healthy and sustainable food systems.