Expolab – Centro CIência Viva
What tools are being used ?
Project Needs
Project Status
Climate Insigts
Participatory approaches
Systemic approaches
What's exciting us?
The feeling of creating a new paths to reach this challenging issue.
What's worrying us?
Not giving the project the time it deserves, for the reasons mentioned above.
What's inspiring us?
The mentoring of Kris.
What different about this project?
The design thinking approach (very very challenging)
What has been important in this period?
- The exercises/approaches to identify the main objectives of our LV;
- Awareness activities for the families/general public on the topic of climate change.
Next steps
Contact our LV stakeholders.
Concrete schedule of the tasks/steps needed to build our LV. 2. Until the end of 2023 we are closing 3 big projects (1 ERASMUS+ KA2; 1 MSCA Horizon; 1 Regional – POAÇores2020) and it has been very difficult to us to focus our efforts on the construction of our LV.