What tools are being used ?
Climate action insights
Project Needs
Project Status
Climate Insigts
Participatory approaches
Systemic approaches
What's worrying us?
There’s a lot of uncertainty and a lot of possible routes forward. It will be good to close in on a direction but the criteria to do so aren’t totally clear as yet.
What's inspiring us?
We visited a large trade fair – the Waste and Resource Management Expo – and seeing a lot of the large equipment and tools reminded us of the practical reality and scale of the challenges at hand.
What's different about this project?
We made a big decision to develop an idea first rather than creating the collaboration with partners up front. We believe that in learning by doing we can get to know our project context first and attract partners along the way – this isn’t quite what we would normally do, but we think it fits the LEVERs project.
What has been important in this period?
We’ve spent quite a lot of time over the summer understanding the project context – urban food systems – which extended into understanding both key issues and existing initiatives. We found lots and lots of brilliant existing initiatives which initially was quite daunting but forced us into being very specific about where this project could bring value. We did a number of conversations, meetings and visits which led us to the decision to look at climate learning for industry – not where we started but we’re now really excited by the potential.
Next steps
We will work on ideas with a view to prototyping them as soon as we can. We think this way round we’ll have something to table with prospective partners and test responses – whether there’s relevance and need.
What advice would we give?
Its really difficult to resist jumping on the first idea. Giving yourself time and designing a process to firm up on ideas will help be a bit more comfortable with the uncertainty.